Volunteer With Us

Did you know that the Hall was built entirely by volunteers?

For almost 90 years now, volunteers have been at the heart of our Association. Volunteering to help the North Shuswap Community Association run and maintain our beloved community hall is a personally rewarding and enjoyable experience. We hope you will consider volunteering with us in the future.

Volunteer Opportunities

Here are some of the volunteer opportunities that may be of interest to you:

  • join our Board of Directors

  • help with events (weddings, concerts, fundraisers etc)

  • assist our weekly Bingo nights

  • aid during our spring clean up & BBQ

  • join one of our committees (i.e. fundraising)

If you feel you could donate some of your time to help keep the Hall a thriving community hub for years to come, please complete our online Volunteer Form today!

Volunteer Sign-up Form